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#   Log for dives by ROV Global Explorer on PE17_22 (Wood Fall project)
#   PIs: Craig R. MCClain (LUMCON) and Seth D. Newsome (UNM)
#   Contact: Clifton C. Nunnally (LUMCON)
#   Version: 2017-09-15
#   All missing data denoted with nd.  NA refers to a data field that is not applicable.
rov_dive  date        site        cruise_dive_day  start_latitude  start_longitude  start_depth  start_dive_time  start_bottom_time  end_latitude  end_longitude  end_depth  end_bottom_time  cores         core_no                                                                                                              video_transects  megafauna_collections  elevator  notes                                                                                            transponder_deployed  transponder_latitude  transponder_longitude  transponder_address  
GE1       2017-05-26  WF1         2                27.13450        -89.92780        2171         7:28             9:12               27.13519      -89.92648      2174       16:35            2 groupings   13, 4, 11, 7 | 1, 17, 18, 15, 19                                                                                     T1-T4            MF 1-10                yes       elevator retrieved early due to winch and wire issues, no wood falls deployed                    no                    NA                    NA                     nd                   
GE2       2017-05-27  WF1         3                27.13649        -87.92692        2167         9:02             10:35              27.13496      -89.92498      2171       19:32            2 groupings   3, 14, 19, 8, 20, 6, C, 12, 18, 7, 10, 9, 1, 13, 11, 2 | B, D, G, T, N, A, P, K, E, I, M, L, R, J, F, Q, S, O        T5-T6            MF 11                  yes       wood falls deployed 12 sugar berry and 12 pine, patch mosiac sampling                            yes                   27.13542              -89.92724              Address 2            
GE3       2017-05-28  WF2         4                27.31244        -88.92716        3035         7:45             8:49               27.31232      -88.92399      2034       17:10            3 groupings   7 ,20, 10, 12, 2, 15, 8, 18, 3, 6, 11| 14  6| G, N, E                                                                T7-T9            MF 12-18               yes       wood falls deployed 12 sugar berry and 12 pine                                                   yes                   27.31071              -88.92868              Address 3            
GE4       2017-05-29  WF3         5                28.10621        -88.45050        1985         7:41             8:26               28.10643      -88.44857      1984       16:06            1 grouping    3, 20, 17, 5, 8, G, 10, 2, 15, 7, 6, 5, 9, 12, 11                                                                    T10-15           MF 19-28               yes       wood falls deployed 12 sugar berry and 12 pine, 1 laser only, observed oil pipe                  yes                   28.10584              -88.44843              Address 5            
GE5       2017-05-30  WF4         6                28.81336        -87.81986        1970         7:15             8:07               28.81238      -87.81333      1965       17:34            none          NA                                                                                                                   none             MF 29-31               yes       wood falls deployed for wood_type and aor                                                        yes                   28.81364              -87.82006              Address 4            
GE6       2017-05-31  WF4         7                28.81126        -87.80986        1962         7:45             8:46               28.81161      -87.80886      1961       15:09            1 grouping    3, 7, 19, 6, 11, 18, 1, 8, 2, 9, 5, E, G                                                                             T16-17           MF 33                  yes       wood falls for deployed surf_area and net_nonet                                                  no                    NA                    NA                     nd                   
GE7       2017-06-01  DWH 500N    8                28.74409        -88.36505        1498         7:45             8:32               28.73823      -88.36505      1523       17:35            2 groupings   C, H, 8, 3                                                                                                           T18-T26          MF 34                  no        replicated Benfield transects at 500m N of DWH, visit to rig and well head, 12x12 wood dunnage   no                    NA                    NA                     nd                   
GE8       2017-06-02  DWH 2000S   9                28.72258        -88.36529        1594         7:42             8:45               28.72263      -88.36535      1594       15:56            2 groupings   J, D, 15, 18, R, L, G, 5, E, 12, G | F, B, 7, O, A, K, 20, 10                                                        T27-T34          MF 35-39               no        replicated Benfield transects at 2000m S of  DWH                                                 no                    NA                    NA                     nd